Daily: #StreçFilm

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In every little box, There is a little treasure…
…whose value not everyone will realize.

In every little box,
There is a certain number of particles
That are exchanged with every other touch.

No little box
Can ever be the same
After you open it…

…so don’t let your greed
Rob others of what they might need.

To know the story and share your experience:

It Was A Bug, Dave!

Have you ever wondered whether you were actually born of dying stars or ape genes? Did you ever try to imagine how the evolution process took place – what has supposedly started it all? If not, Stanley Kubrick’s 2001: The Space Odyssey (1968) is a good movie to get you started.

From Dave Stafford – behance.net

I can see you’re really upset about this. I honestly think you ought to sit down calmly, take a stress pill, and think things over.

When Kubrick started his project, it was one year after the start of the Cold War. Space was a popular subject, but NASA had only existed for 10 years, and the first trip on the moon hadn’t been launched yet.

Still, he managed to set the concept with some mind-blowing visuals and settings, and the goddamn voice of intelligent life! He predicted the future!

The problem, though, was that the storyline was slightly chaotic (but never despair! His book, published soon after, is there for the rescue!)

From Olivia Singer – anothermag.com

Morals I got from the movie:

Something is always happening.

There’s a magical stone watching us, knowing we have a lot of potential.

Everything is temporary.

There is always something more, something better.

Daily: #WalkingaNewStreet

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We go on about our life
Meeting people,
Hearing stories,
With a lot of coincidences
Coinciding with the lines of ours.
We go on about our life
With our dreams
And our belief
That we’ve changed the world
When really It has changed us.
We go on About our lives
Sad, or happy: alive…
And as opposed to movies,
There can only be one ending;
That is death.
So let’s take a moment to appreciate that.
To know the story and share your experience:

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